
What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy aims to help you gain insight into your difficulties or distress, establish a greater understanding of your motivation, and enable you to find more appropriate ways of coping and bring about changes in your thinking and behaviour.

By providing a caring and supportive relationship we help you explore your thoughts and feelings on stressful or traumatic events that you may experience as making you feel angry, unsafe, helpless or vulnerable resulting in non useful behaviour. When you have explored and developed these feelings and feel safe you can get more of what you want. Psychotherapy recognises the lasting impact of trauma and how it affects you and your relationships in the present day. Working together we explore your concerns, thoughts and feelings moving to action thus improving your mental health. We listen and provide a non-judgemental relationship with your trauma and provide a safe space so you can feel heard and understood. Together we gain insights into your difficulties and distress, beginning to develop positive motivation for development. Supporting you to make a better relationship with yourself and others. Anyone can benefit from psychotherapy. Talking to a trained professional, like myself, can help you to explore your concerns, thoughts and feelings and improve your mental health.

  • To increase happiness levels
  • To get relief from symptoms such as anxiety and depression, feeling lonely or sad, unfulfilled, wondering about meaning, lack of confidence, feeling down, not sleeping, worried, relationship issues, anger, frustration, eating or drinking too much, addictions
  • To gain a greater understanding of the causes and conditions that affect the emergence of symptoms
  • To have a different relational experience of past traumas/events.

Every session is different because every client is different, as are their problems. Your psychotherapist will encourage you to talk and explore, in a structured way, your feelings and experiences.

Your therapist may also suggest particular techniques as part of that exploration – for example, using art, imaging, dream/movement and space work.

Whatever the technique or clinical approach, psychotherapy is not a magical cure, it is a process we engage in together to develop your sense of self.

  • We begin with talking about confidentiality and “What would you like to have happen ?
  • Symptom relief
  • Exercises/homework an developmental tasks
  • Movement from problem to established desired outcomes
  • Self-analysis exercises
  • A better understanding of yourself
  • The power to make greater choices
  • A mixture of Psycho-Educational/Relational and Integrative Therapies
  • Long term coping strategies and on-going support

For clients who wish to undertake an extended journey to achieve genuine and lasting change.

By extending the techniques we use in An Introduction to Therapy, we aim to move you from problems and symptoms to a better understanding of yourself.  To become attuned on a deeper level to your motives, values and missions.  To enable you to conquer those unique outcomes that only you can achieve.

Different people use the words counselling and psychotherapy in different ways, so there is no commonly agreed definition. There is a general understanding that a psychotherapists work with a wide range of clients and can offer more in-depth work where appropriate.

UKCP believes the difference lies in the length and depth of training involved and in the quality of the relationship between the client and their therapist. UKCP-registered psychotherapists are trained to Masters level.

UKCP registers psychotherapists and psycho-therapeutic counsellors. Psycho-therapeutic counsellors are counsellors who have received more in-depth training than that undertaken by most counsellors. UKCP’s training standards for both qualifications seek to ensure that UKCP registrants are competent to practice to the highest standards.

Where does the therapy take place?

The therapy is offered from:

The Practise Caldy, 58 Caldy Road, Caldy CH48 2HN

The Practise is an inspiring, peaceful and private venue with off street parking. Sessions can also be arranged by skype and telephone, and if circumstances dictate, we can always come to you.

Get in touch with Shaun today

If you are looking for psychotherapy, please get in touch with some brief details and I will get back to you to schedule an informal chat.

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